Eat some yummy chicken and help Whitmer soccer this Sunday!
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
If you like Wimbledon, you are going to LOVE Whitmer Tennis!  Support their team store HERE: 
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
STAFF SHOUT: "I always admire how Sarah Frost at Meadowvale teaches her students to empathize. She also does such a good job teaching accountability, while balancing it with love. Her structured way of conducting her class helps relieve so much anxiety in students that struggle with anxiety. She's always positive towards trying a new approach to teaching or handling things." The ability to set high standards wrapped in support and love is a delicate balance and we are so grateful to have staff who do it well, like Ms. Frost!
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
STAFF SHOUT: "Can I just say how lucky we are to have the custodial staff that we do!?!? Both Jermaine Worlds and Matt Toth rocked this weekend! Whitmer Wrestling used the field house and all 3 gyms Saturday and Sunday of this past weekend and if you’ve ever been to a wrestling tournament, you know they can be extremely long days with upwards of 1000 people in our gyms. Both men kept up on cleanliness, helped break down and clean up Saturday's high school tournament until late night just to get up bright and early Sunday to do it all over again at the biddy tournament! Thank you so much, we appreciate you more than you know!" These two awesome custodians consistently go above and beyond, with kindness and incredible work. We are so lucky to have them!
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
STAFF SHOUT: "Rachel Henke is a wonderful asset to both staff and students in our building. She is always the most helpful and will do anything for you. She works with a variety of students year to year and connects with all of them! She is patient, kind, accommodating and loving. She never appears to be without a smile and is always so positive, even just passing her way in the hallway. We are thankful for her heart at Shoreland!" There's nothing like someone who can always make you smile! We love this shoutout!
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
STAFF SHOUT: "Dee Mack, Hiawatha classroom aide is a friend to all and enjoys celebrations! She always remembers important details and is a patient listener. She has graced our staff with a yogurt bar, many years of delicious Christmas cookies, cookie cakes and corned beef and cabbage dinners. We love you Dee and appreciate all you do for the Hiawatha staff!" Helping to build compassionate school culture while being a wonderful human to all- what an incredible WLS influence!
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
STAFF SHOUT: "Shoreland nurses Chris Haas and Tiffany Gaylord at Shoreland are seriously two of a kind! They love our students through an endless supply of ice packs and band-aids, keep us all laughing with their great senses of humor and never hesitate to boogie on down for Tik Tok Tuesdays. We are so thankful for their hearts for students here at Shoreland!" Healing boo-boos and making time to dance? YES PLEASE!
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
STAFF SHOUT: "Mrs. Joann Dillon is Meadowvale's Student Council Advisor and she is always working with students to put on school wide events for student and family enjoyment. Whether it is planning a spirit week, SpringTime Sprint, or the Jolly Jingle Jamboree. Mrs. Dillon is a fantastic 4th grade math teacher and she, along with her student council team, advocates for FUN and JOY to be a big part of the school year." Joy should be part of learning and Ms. Dillon is such a great example of this!
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
STAFF SHOUT: "One of my kiddos has given Mr. Ron a run for his money. He isn't phased at all and still shows so much love & patience! We are SO blessed to have Mr. Ron driving for us!" Mr. Ronnie Nelson is a true JOY driver & we are so lucky to have him in Washington Local!
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools
Mr. Ron
3 months ago, Washington Local Schools